When is a Cantaloupe Ripe? A Guide to Harvesting Ripe Cantaloupes

Cantaloupe Growing on the Vine

You’ve patiently grown your cantaloupe throughout the season, and now you want to know when your cantaloupe is ripe and ready for harvesting. When I first started growing cantaloupe, I harvested too early, resulting in very bland-tasting melons. Picking cantaloupe at the right time will ensure you are harvesting a cantaloupe with a well-developed flavor … Read more

How Many Pineapples Grow on One Plant? Answered!

pineapple plants with slips growing in a farm

Pineapples are a popular tropical fruit known for their sweet and tangy flavor and prickly exterior. But just how many pineapples grow on one plant? Read on to find out. Each pineapple plant will produce one pineapple. A pineapple plant may produce a secondary fruit from a sucker that grows on the primary pineapple plant. This second crop is called … Read more

The Big Mystery of Small Avocados: Solved!

Avocados Growing on the Tree

Growing your own avocado tree can be incredibly rewarding when you’re able to reap a plentiful harvest. However, if your garden-grown avocados have been disappointingly small in size you’ll want to solve the mystery of small avocados. Read on to find out. Why Are My Avocados So Small? The most common causes of small avocados … Read more

Put an End to Small Gooseberries – 8 Causes and Solutions

Green Gooseberries

Gooseberries are a fantastic addition to your garden and the deliciously tart berries make amazing jams and pies. But if your gooseberry plant is only producing small gooseberries you’re going to want to know why and how to fix it. Read on to find out. Why Are My Gooseberries So Small? Common causes of small gooseberry fruit … Read more

Why Are My Oranges So Small? Causes and Solutions

Growing Small Oranges

As the citrus season approaches, I’ve watched my orange tree blossom and develop into small round fruits with the promise of sweet juicy oranges to come. But as the season has progressed I’ve noticed my oranges are really small. If you have this problem too, like me, you’ll want to know why your oranges are … Read more

What’s Eating My Blueberries? With Solutions

Blueberry Bush

You look forward to blueberry season every year after much preparation. But when blueberries go missing or there are webs, holes, or chewed-up blueberry bush leaves, it’s time to figure out what is eating your crop. The most common culprits responsible for eating blueberries are birds, deer, and a variety of insects and their larvae. … Read more

Why Are My Olives So Small? Causes and Solutions 

Newly harvested olives

With the olive harvest season approaching it’s disappointing to discover you are growing small olives. In this article, I’ll go through the cause of your olive tree producing small olives and solutions you can use to produce bigger olives. Small olives are often a result of irregular water, unsuitable temperature, insufficient sunlight, lack of soil … Read more

Why Is My Papaya Tree Dying? Causes and Solutions

Growing Papaya Tree

Papaya trees, also known as pawpaw and papaw, are attractive and productive fruit trees to grow in your garden. So if your papaya tree looks like it’s dying or struggling to grow, you’re going to want to know why and how to fix the problem. The most common causes for papaya trees dying are cold … Read more

Eating Watermelon Rind With Recipe Ideas

watermelon rinds on the table

Most people recognize watermelon as a delicious summertime treat and enjoy eating the juicy reddish-pink-colored flesh. Afterward, the rind gets tossed in the trash without a second thought. I did this same thing for many years until I realized that not only can you eat the watermelon rind, it actually tastes pretty delicious and has … Read more

Why Are My Blueberries So Small? Causes And Solutions

Woman picking blueberries.

Packed with antioxidants, beautiful spring flowers, and gorgeous autumn foliage – these are just some of the reasons blueberries are an increasingly popular edible plant to grow at home. However, if you’re finding that your blueberries are smaller than you’d like, you’ll want to know the reason. The most common reasons blueberries are small are … Read more