Brown Spots on Avocado Leaves: Causes and Solutions

Brown Spots on Avocado Leaves Causes and Solutions

Avocado trees take an average of 7 years to start bearing fruit. So planting an avocado tree is a long-term investment. They are not easy trees to grow and are prone to disease and are generally quite vulnerable. So if you see brown spots on the leaves of your avocado tree you need to act … Read more

Why Are My Sweet Potato Leaves Turning Yellow?

Why Are My Sweet Potato Leaves Turning Yellow

Sweet potatoes are a beloved crop so when sweet potato leaves turn yellow, you’ll want to know why and how to fix it. In this article, we explore the reasons your sweet potato plant’s leaves are turning yellow and what you can do about them to restore your plant to full health. Yellowing leaves on sweet … Read more

Brown Spots On Peppers: Causes And Solutions

Brown Spots On Peppers Causes and Solutions

Growing bell peppers in your garden can be very rewarding. The beautiful little jewels add flavor and color to a variety of delicious dishes. But growing your own peppers can be frustrating when they develop brown spots for apparently no reason at all. Here are some causes of brown spots on peppers and what you … Read more

Tomato Seedling Leaves Turning Yellow: Causes and Solutions

Tomato Seedling Leaves Yellow Causes and Solutions

When the leaves of your tomato seedlings start turning yellow, it can be concerning. The seedlings are young and fragile, so it may seem like they won’t recover. But the truth is that most of the time, tomato seedling leaves turning yellow can be fixed. So let’s find out what causes tomato plant seedling leaves … Read more

Tips to get Asparagus to Come Up: Growing Tips

Asparagus Not Coming Up - Asparagus Growing Tips

If you’re looking at your vegetable garden and asking yourself, “Why isn’t my asparagus coming up?” then you’ve come to the right place. Asparagus can be a tricky vegetable to grow if you don’t know how to. So here are some helpful tips for growing asparagus so you can have a successful harvest. Asparagus can … Read more

Why Is My Broccoli Flowering? Causes and Solutions!

Flowering Broccoli - Why is My Broccoli Flowering Causes and Solutions

Broccoli is a cool weather plant, which means that it grows best in moderate weather. This also means that in many areas, broccoli can have a short window in which to grow well, so gardeners often find themselves struggling with broccoli that flowers instead of continuing to grow. If your broccoli is flowering (known as … Read more

Eating Broccoli Leaves and Flowers With Recipe Ideas

Broccoli Plant - Eating Broccoli Leaves and Flowers with Recipes

Broccoli is a versatile, delicious vegetable packed with nutrients and goodness but did you know you can also eat broccoli leaves and flowers? When you grow your own broccoli you might realize what a small portion of the plant we traditionally eat. It seems such a waste to throw all those big, lush broccoli leaves … Read more

Why is my Eggplant Flowering But No Fruit (Causes and Solutions)

Why is my Eggplant Flowering But No Fruit - Eggplant Fruit and Flower

Is your eggplant flowering but not developing fruit? You’ve come to the right place! Here we are exploring the causes and solutions for why your eggplant flowers but does not produce fruit. Eggplants flower but don’t fruit when the plant is under stress. A stressed plant will drop its flowers in order to survive. Without … Read more

Can You Plant Sprouted Potatoes? (And How!)

Can You Plant Sprouted Potato - Sprouting Potato

So you have a bag of potatoes you bought from the grocery store and forgot about them. Now, those potatoes have started sprouting and you’re wondering, can you plant sprouted potatoes? We’ve all been there, so let’s find out the answer. You can successfully grow potato plants from sprouted potatoes bought from the store. Sprouting potatoes are easy to grow in the … Read more

Why is Celery Bitter (And How to Fix It)

Why is Celery Bitter and How to Fix it - Bunch of Celery

There is nothing worse than going to all the effort of growing what should be delicious organic celery only to find it is bitter and horrible. There are five main reasons why celery becomes overly bitter. Read on to find out what causes celery to become bitter and how you can ensure your celery crop … Read more